10 Daily Habits to Improve Your Life Right Now

daily habits to improve your life


Improving our lives is much simpler than it may seem. It comes down to making the right changes, incorporating new daily habits, and being consistent with those habits. These habits are simple things we do every single day which we build into a lifestyle overtime.

These are 10 daily habits to start incorporating your life that will help you improve your life… like right now. They’re not complex, they’re not time consuming. They are simple things we can do every day and get better at continuously to help us live the lives we’ve always dreamt of.

Daily Habits to Improve Your Life Right Now


1. Have a morning routine

There’s no doubt that the morning sets the tone for your day. Having a hectic start to the morning can often make the remainder of your day feel chaotic and overwhelming, so being proactive with a solid morning routine is key. 

But that being said, with 3 hour elaborate morning routines taking the world by storm, the idea of having a morning routine might seem pretty unattainable if you’re struggling to find time as it is.

The trick here is to start small. Carve just 10 minutes out of your mornings to set up your own morning routine. That might mean 2 minutes of meditation, 3 minutes of stretching, and 5 minutes of reading. Those 10 minutes are enough to put you in a good headspace before you start your day. 

Create a morning routine that you can be consistent with, and watch how much better your day unfolds. 

Read more: 5 Simple Ways to Finally Become a Morning Person

2. Review Your Goals

A good amount of us set new year’s resolutions or big goals at the start of each year. But very few of us actually take the time to continually review those goals on a daily basis.

Tracking your progress towards achieving your goals keeps those big dreams and goals top of mind. It keeps you accountable and reminds you on a daily basis what you truly want to be striving for. 

Write your goals down and put them in a place where you’ll see them every single day. That might be on your bedside table, maybe on your desk – find a spot and look at those goals daily.

3. Practice Mindfulness

When we’re so caught up with our day-to-day life, sometimes we lose sight of the bigger picture. We take things for granted, we stop appreciating the finer things, and we don’t give ourselves time to just be present. 

Spending a few minutes everyday being more mindful will help you better manage the ups and downs of your day. It’ll help remind you of the big picture: how short life really is, why we need to live intentionally, and what makes you truly feel most aligned in life. 

You can practice mindfulness by spending time meditating, journaling, and giving gratitude. This is one of those daily habits that keep us calm, cool, and collected. 

4. Limit Social Media

We spend an average of 145 minutes a day on social media. That’s 52,925 minutes a year, which equates to about 36.75 days yearly.

Can you imagine what you could do with an extra 36 days a year?!

It’s so easy to lose track of time when you’re on social media. Scrolling becomes a habit, and the constant stimulation of short, digestible content is addictive. 

Get into the daily habit of limiting your social media consumption. If you need help doing this, you can set a timer on your social media apps through your phone. The key here is to actually close out the apps when the timer goes off, though! 😉

5. Exercise

We’ve all heard this one before, and it likely comes as no surprise: exercise on a daily basis. 

But what’s most important here is not just checking off the exercise box on your to do list, but making sure you move your body in ways that’ll keep it healthy. 

That means incorporating:

  • cardio
  • strength
  • mobility

Keep your heart healthy, your muscles strong, and your body fluid, flexible and mobile.

6. Get outside

Yes, even in the midst of some cold weather, getting outside for just 5 minutes can completely change up your scenery and your mood.

Breathing in fresh air and feeling nature around you is important. It gives us time to unplug and be grateful to the beautiful world we live in.

And yes, sometimes you have to appreciate the gloomy weather too! 

7. Laugh everyday

Next up on our list of daily habits: find a way to laugh EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

Laughter is the best medicine for pretty much everything. Watch some comedy, read a funny book, hang with your friends that always crack you up.

Ever had a day where you’re in a terrible mood, you feel so off balance, but then that one person cracks a joke or you stumble across something funny — and suddenly everything feels a ton better?

Laughter releases endorphins and can help to improve your mood if you’re feeling stressed or nervous

So, note to self: a little laughter goes a long way.

8. Do something that scares you

Getting into the habit of doing something that scares you every single day, will transform your mindset and your approach on life in no time.

Staying in our comfort zone is no doubt, comfortable, but sometimes things get a little too comfortable. And when they do, you start to fall stagnant.

Doing something that scares you everyday pushes you to grow. It helps you overcome tough obstacles, build resiliency, and realize that no matter how hard something may seem, with the right mindset we can figure it out.

This could be as simple as making that cold call, running outside for the first time in years, wearing that new outfit that’s a bit edgy, but you love so much. Put aside the fears of what people think, and the fears that you’re not capable of doing something, and watch yourself grow.

9. Do a quick clean-up

Get into the daily habit of setting a timer for 10 minutes every evening and doing a quick clean up. That could include the dishes in the sink, a wipe down of the counters, clearing your desk, etc.

Waking up to a tidy home is a relaxing and easing way to start to your day.

It’s pretty amazing how much you can clean up in just 10 minutes. Try it out, and your future self will thank you!

10. Have an evening routine

Last but not least, just like we need to give ourselves time in the mornings, we need to give ourselves time in the evenings.

Carving out a few minutes to end your day in a ritual is a great way to close out the many hours of hard work you just put in. Your evening routine might include a bit of yoga, a hot shower, and the optimal skincare routine. Or, it might be as simple as reading for 10 minutes before bed.

Create a routine that will help you unwind, relax, and get ready for a night of rest. 

daily habits to improve your life right now


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