Here’s Why You Need to Start Dry Brushing ASAP

dry brush

What if I told you, you could get soft, smooth, and glowing skin while reducing the appearance of cellulite for…less than 20 bucks? Well, you can – and it’s thanks to the ancient technique (which is totally making a comeback BTW) of dry brushing. Now, you’re probably thinking, what’s all the hype with dry brushing? Or better yet, what even is dry brushing? For those a little less familiar, dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like. You take a dry, stiff-bristled brush, and simply brush the skin on your body in sweeping motions towards your heart. But, does it really work, you ask? Turns out, there are quite a few stellar benefits from this simple 5 minute technique. Keep reading to find out!

Dry brush tip #1: It’s awesome for exfoliation

Though it might hurt just a bit (kinda like someone is scratching you all over your body), it is dope AF for exfoliation. The dry bristles peel away dead skin cells, and in moments you’ve shed your old your skin. All it takes is 5 minutes before you start your shower each day. The result? Smoother, softer and glowing skin.

Dry brush tip #2: It reduces the appearance of cellulite

The appearance of cellulite occurs when fat cells protrude upward toward your skin from the connective tissue. Dry brushing helps with circulation and lymphatic drainage, which puts pressure on your connective tissue and strengthens it, in turn helping to reduce inflammation and the look of cellulite.

Dry brush tip #3: It’s (almost) like a DIY massage

Can’t afford that 60-minute deep tissue massage this week? Opt in for the $4.99 dry brush instead, and give yourself a little TLC. Dry brushing is a great way to give yourself a little love (especially if you’re looking to unwind after a stressful day). With a quick sweep over your skin before you jump into the shower, it’s like your very own DIY massage.

A quick heads up: for those with sensitive skin, go easy. Rather than doing it on the daily right away, start working it into your routine once a week and see how your skin reacts. If your skin has negative reactions, it’s better to skip out on the dry brushing and try something a little less harsh instead. Want to get started? Check out some of our fav dry brushes below!


Dry brushing reduce cellulite bikini


  1. February 12, 2019 / 10:41 am

    That’s interesting I’ve never heard of dry brushing before. I’ve done dry shaving before. lol it didn’t feel to hot…. I was young. But I’m curious on the exfoliating part just because would it feel like using a sugar scrub or harder? After using something to exfoliate and just getting baby bottom smooth skin. Ooo child. Can’t keep my hands off myself. That’s a great way to get some self care and some pampering in for yourself. I like that! 🙂

    • March 26, 2019 / 1:12 pm

      lol ouch @ the dry shaving! It feels harder than a sugar scrub since it’s pretty much dry bristles against your skin. But it works like a charm! #painisbeauty 😉

  2. March 7, 2019 / 3:57 pm

    This is a really great article!

    I want to try doing this before I apply my tanning mousse. The mousse recommends exfoliating your skin before applying, which I do. But I feel like the way I exfoliate doesn’t work that well. Which makes the tan fade faster than it should.

    And its really cool that its an ancient technique!

    When you exfoliate, how hard do you have to brush on your skin? I have sensitive skin so I assume I wouldn’t have to press too hard to exfoliate well.

    • March 12, 2019 / 9:48 am

      Great idea! Let us know how it goes 🙂

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