How To Create A Vision Board to Manifest Your Dream Life

how to create a vision board to manifest your dreams
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Do you have big ideas and dreams but often struggle to bring them to life? Do you feel stuck in your current life situation with no clear direction or sense of vision?

If so, creating a vision board may be the perfect tool to help get your motivation going! Today, we’re covering the 7 steps on how to create a vision board to manifest your dreams.

How to Create a Vision Board: The Headline

A vision board is a visual representation that allows you to tap into your creativity: inspiring focus and clarity around what matters most in both your life and career goals. 

It’s an incredibly powerful way to keep yourself motivated, set personal intentions for manifesting your dream life, or simply design the future that you desire.

First, let’s get to the headline of creating a vision board before we head into more detail about how to create this physical representation of your goals. 

Creating a vision board is an effective tool to help focus and bring clarity to your life goals. Tips on how to create a vision board include getting clear about your goals, gathering materials,  assembling pieces, hanging it up somewhere visible, revisiting it frequently, celebrating successes, and sharing it with friends. 

So with the short answer nailed, let’s start first by finding out why you should be creating a vision board.

Why do I need a vision board? 

Although vision boards are yet to be thoroughly researched, many experts understand that this visual representation of your goals can help you in your quest for success. 

Based on the law of attraction, having a vision board for your life can be extremely helpful to focus and bring clarity to what you’re striving to achieve.

There are many benefits and reasons why you should start creating your vision board today.

Let’s discover some of the most important ones.

  • A visual representation: It’s like having your life goals written down in front of your eyes! It’s a visual representation of the aspirations and intentions you want your life and career to lead up to eventually. 
  • Breaks down goals into smaller chunks: Reaching for those long-term goals can be hard, but breaking them down into smaller, incremental milestones makes it easier to take manageable yet powerful steps forward in the right direction. 
  • Motivational: Looking at your vision board every day will serve as an outline of those life plans, motivating you when the going gets tough — keeping you focused on what you’re really after. 
  • Creates a roadmap for success: It’s practically a roadmap to smashing your big goals. It serves as a visual blueprint of your objectives, ensuring you don’t stray from the path. 
  • Reminds you of your goals: Seeing pictures or quotes that reference your ambitions regularly can give you the push you need to take action, as well as remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing when self-doubt inevitably creeps in. 
  • Track your progress: It’s also super useful for tracking progress by helping to keep morale high and reminding you how far you’ve already come.

You don’t need an overly complex system with multiple components — even a basic vision board is great for organizing your ideas and setting yourself up for success.

So, let’s get started! 

How to Create a Vision Board to Manifest Your Dreams

A vision board is a powerful tool to help you visualize your dreams and goals, helping you focus on them daily. 

Creating one will serve as a reminder of what you want to achieve in your life and career,  giving you the motivation to keep striving for your goals. It’s an excellent tool to manifest your dream life, by visually planting your aspirations into your subconscious. 

Here are our best tips on how to create an effective vision board:

1. Start off by getting clear about your goals 

Taking some time to reflect upon your aspirations and intentions can be very helpful before starting your vision board. Think about what positive changes you want to make in your life and write them down so they are clearly defined. Having a list like this serves as the foundation and starting point for your vision board creation process. Here are a few questions to think about:

  • What does my ideal life look like?
  • How am I spending my time? 
  • Who am I with?
  • How do I feel?
  • How much money do I make?
  • Where am I vacationing?
  • What does my home look like?
  • What is my everyday lifestyle?

2. Gather materials 

Once you have your list of goals, you can begin collecting the materials for your vision board. You will want to find images and words related to each of your goals.  

Source pictures and quotes from Pinterest or Google that align exactly with your desire. That dream house, the actual amount of money you want to make, your dream vacation, etc. Get as precise as possible. Print your pictures or save them digitally (or cut them out form a magazine).

There are even vision board toolkits on Amazon that include booklets of pictures, quotes, and sayings to add to your vision board.

Be creative and have fun with this step!

3. Assemble the pieces 

Once you have all of your materials, it’s time to start assembling the vision board.

If you’re creating a digital vision board, you can create a vision board on Canva and import it directly into your yearly digital planner. Or, you can print pictures out and craft a physical vision board using a poster board with supplies from an art store, magazine clippings, etc. 

Arrange the pieces in any way that resonates with you – there is no wrong way to do this. This will be the base for your collage of inspiration and motivation! 

4. Hang it up 

If you’re creating a physical vision board, put your completed vision board somewhere you will see it every day. This can be somewhere in your home – like your bedroom or office space. 

If you’re creating a digital vision board, import it into your planner and set it as your phone/laptop wallpaper to keep it top of mind.

Having this reminder of your goals and aspirations will keep you focused and inspired as you work towards achieving them.

5. Revisit frequently 

Keep a regular schedule for revisiting your vision board – daily or weekly is recommended. (This is where you can benefit from putting it somewhere that you know you’ll look every day – like your phone wallpaper). The more you’re looking at it, the better.

And when you revisit it, don’t just glance at it. Take it in. Picture yourself already living the life you designed for your future self. Having this presence and forward-looking awareness is what will help you manifest the life of your dreams.

Following this practice can help motivate you and raise your energy so that you continue working towards those goals and dreams.

6. Celebrate successes 

As you reach milestones, take the time to celebrate them! 

Let yourself feel the joy that comes with achieving something great, then look at your vision board again and decide which new goal to tackle next. 

Celebrating successes will help to keep your enthusiasm high and remind you of how far you’ve come. 

7. Share with friends 

This step is optional – but might be helpful if you’re someone that likes having an accountability partner. Having a support system can be incredibly helpful when it comes to achieving big goals. 

If you need an external push or just want to share your progress, invite a friend or family member to join you as you review your vision board and discuss what changes have been made since the last time. 

Keep in mind – this does require you to be fully vulnerable to sharing your dreams and aspirations. Protecting your energy and goals is important – so if you don’t have a friend or circle that you feel totally comfortable sharing this with – then skip this step. The last thing you want is someone trying to talk you out of your dreams, or being an opposing force in your ambition to create a life of positivity.

How To Create  A Vision Board: The Wrap 

Creating a vision board is an excellent tool for setting and achieving goals, allowing yourself to dream bigger than ever before. With regular visits and thoughtful revisions, you’ll find yourself well on your way toward reaching the success that lies beyond your wildest dreams.

Manifesting your dream life with a vision board can be a fun, creative way to boost your motivation and productivity. Have fun with the process and use it as an opportunity to express yourself. 

We can’t wait to see your journey of creating a vision board that sets you up for success. 

Have fun and keep dreaming big! 🙂

If you are just starting down the track of getting super organized, don’t forget to head over to our free resource area, jam-packed full of free goodies such as habit trackers and daily planners to start you off on getting super organized with your life goals! 

Read more: 

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