7 Must Do’s for a Productive Night Routine

Have you ever spent an evening curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket, binge-watching Netflix… only to realize it’s 12am and you have to be up in 6 hours?! Been there, done that. Evenings are no doubt our time to unwind, relax, and escape from the hectic life of our day jobs. But what if we could do a few quick things in the evening to make our morning that much better? Introducing: the night routine, aka a few quick tasks that’ll have you feeling rested and organized for the next day. Having a productive night routine can help set you up for an energizing and effective morning ahead, and it doesn’t even need to take long! This evening routine can be done in under an hour (or shorter, depending on how much time you want to spend on each item). 

Check it out! Here are our 7 must-do’s for the ultimate night routine!

7 Habits for a Productive Night Routine

1. Prep for tomorrow

A task done today, is one less task to do tomorrow. As part of your productive night routine, prepare what you can to make tomorrow a bit easier. 

If you’re a coffee lover, fill up the coffee machine the night before, so you only have to press the start button in the morning. Rather than picking out your clothes for work in the midst of the morning chaos, lay out your clothes before you go to bed.

Whatever you can do the night before to make the dreadful morning wake up easier, do it! Your morning self will thank you.

For tips on how to start waking up earlier, check out our article on the 5 Must Do’s to Beat the Morning Blues.

2. Tidy up

After battling with your alarm clock and being pulled out of your comfy bed, seeing a kitchen sink full of dirty dishes first thing in the morning is no doubt, frustrating! For a more peaceful wake up, make it a habit to spend just a short period of time tidying up right before bed.

The thought of cleaning every single night might sound daunting, but here’s a quick and effective way to do it:

Set a timer for 10 minutes and start cleaning. Key things you want cleaned up before the morning:

  • all dishes in the sink
  • your workspace – clear and organized
  • living area – everything put away

You’d be surprised at how much you can get done in just 10 minutes.

3. Get unready

With every productive night routine comes an “unready” routine. This includes taking off all your makeup, running a nice shower, having an effective skincare routine, and more.

A step that definitely can’t be missed in your evening routine — getting unready is not only essential for hygiene, but it’ll start signalling to your brain that you’re getting ready for bed. 

If you need some more tips on establishing an unready routine, check out the reads below:

4. Make a to do list 

Before you head to bed, create a short list of things you need to get done tomorrow. Try to keep your list prioritized to 5-6 items max. Having a super long list is only going to overwhelm you, so be be sure to write down the things that really need to get done tomorrow.

Once you wake up, you’ve got your list to start on and you’re good to go!

5. Wind down

Having a productive night routine doesn’t mean you should be productive right until your head hits the pillow. Give yourself ample time to actually wind down, prepping your body to go to sleep. 

Try lighting a candle or using essential oils to help set the tone. Do a 5 or 10 minute meditation focused on your breathing to help you slow down. Chances are, you’ve had a hectic day with a lot on your mind. Take this time to disconnect from your thoughts and really be present in the moment. 

6. Read

We’ve all heard at some point or another that looking at your phone before bed disrupts your sleep. Between the blue light from your screen and the constant push notifications, staring at your phone before bed isn’t ideal for your sleep cycle. Along with the blue light, with the amount of activity happening on your phone — including social media, news sites, etc. — you’ll naturally feel more alert and engaged, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

Ditch your phone for a book, and spend at least 10 minutes reading before bed. Whether it’s a magazine or a novel, the key is to unplug from your phone and look at something else for a while. 

7. Go to sleep at the same time consistently

Make it a habit as part of your evening routine to go to sleep at the same time every day. There are lots of health benefits that come with having a consistent sleep schedule.

Prioritize your bedtime (just like the good old days!) and aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

Your body will start to get used to a sleep schedule, making it easier to wake up in the mornings and have a productive day ahead. 

productive night routine

productive night routine

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