5 Ways to Get Rid of the Winter Blues

winter blues - get rid of winter blues

It’s completely common to feel low energy levels, a lack of motivation, and an overall sense of sadness in the winter. The winter blues are a thing. And if you (are lucky enough to) live anywhere that experiences a long and harsh winter, chances are you’ve experienced a case of the winter blues at some point.

If you’ve noticed you don’t feel quite like yourself; that you’re a bit more glum than usual during the winter months, chances are you’re experiencing a case of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or the winter blues. 

We’ve pulled together our go-to tips to help you better manage the darkest and coldest days of the winter. Keep reading for our 5 self care tips on how to get rid of the winter blues. 

How to get rid of the Winter Blues

1. De-Clutter

Spring cleaning doesn’t only have to happen in the spring. Changing your space, de-cluttering your home, and purging your belongings are all great ways to clear your physical space. And your mind.

Rather than lounging in bed and watching Netflix every ice cold Saturday of the winter, spend a weekend de-cluttering your space and re-organizing your home. 

2. Find the sun

With limited daylight in the winter months, it’s tough to get your required exposure to the sun to maintain your vitamin D levels.

Make an effort to get at least 10 minutes of sun a day, either by sitting near a window at work or stepping outside during your lunch for a quick breath of cold, fresh air. 

3. Start a new project

Keeping yourself busy with a new side project is a great way to keep your mind off the long, dreadful, winter months. 

What’s something you’ve been meaning to do that keeps getting pushed off your list? Maybe it’s creating your own DIY face masks for future use, or building a new dresser for your bedroom. Starting a new project is a great way to keep you productive and busy, while keeping your mind off of the cold weather.

4. Focus on your goals

Every January 1st, goal-setting takes the world by storm, with new years resolutions and new year, new me mantras taking over. Did you know that only 8% of people actually achieve their goals, and most people abandon them by January 12th

You read that correctly – by January 12th! 

Are the winter blues to blame? Possibly. 

Keep your eye on the prize and stay focused on your goals. Remind yourself every single day what you’re hoping to accomplish, and what daily tasks will get you there. (Check out this article on how to actually achieve your goals – we break it down step by step to help you be part of the 8%!)

Staying focused on your goals will cause you to develop daily habits to keep you pushing towards that finish line, meaning less opportunities to think about what’s happening out there in the cold. 

5. Engage your senses

When you’re not feeling quite like yourself, engaging all of your senses is a great way to get rid of the winter blues. 


Music is known to have a direct affect on our moods. Days you’re feeling low, blast some of your favorite tunes. You know, the jams that make you want to get up and dance like no one’s watching. (And that’s exactly what you should do).


Light a candle, get some essential oils flowing in your diffuser, or bake some cookies. Whatever aromas peak peace, tranquility and happiness for you, should be swirling around your home during winter. Engaging your sense of smell can be super nostalgic and calming.


Open up your space (that’s where the de-cluttering comes in), and strategically re-orient your place so you’re looking at things that bring joy to you. Maybe that’s a bouquet of new flowers on the kitchen counter, or a motivational quote framed right near your bedside. 


Despite the cold, dark, never-ending days of winter, there are some positive aspects the cold weather brings as well. ‘Tis the season for hot chocolate, warm tea, apple pie, and more. Indulge in some of your favorite, warm winter foods. (Like this DIY pumpkin spice latte that you can make at home).


Snuggle your pet, wrap yourself in warm furry blankets, and rock the comfiest fabrics this winter. The last thing anyone wants to feel in the winter is discomfort (aka being cold). Provoke your sense of touch by surrounding yourself with textures and materials that make you feel relaxed and happy.

how to get rid of the winter blues

how to get rid of the winter blues


  1. Kelly
    December 6, 2019 / 3:33 pm

    really interesting tips!

  2. January 21, 2020 / 7:47 am

    Oh my goodness. I was having a REALLY tough time just prior to the winter starting. This was when I decided to start on a major project. It lifted my spirits so quick! I also really love the sensory-based examples. Thanks so much!

    • March 11, 2020 / 4:22 pm

      Hi Toni! So glad to hear you found a project that helped lift your spirits! Thanks for sharing and hope it goes well! 🙂

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